Mental Health Matters!

Self Care & Wellbeing

Wellbeing is more than just sleeping well, eating right and having positive moods. It is a wholly holistic approach, its about knowing how to look after yourself, build positive relationships, be physically healthy, mentally well, contribute and achieve.

It’s an important part of life that some can take for granted, while others can struggle to achieve. Ultimately we often forget the role we play in managing our own wellbeing, and therefore how much power we have in terms of improving our wellbeing when needed.

If you are struggling managing your own wellbeing, please contact a TSTC Counselor.

What is Self Care?

At its most basic, self care is simply identifying needs or desires and then taking steps - no matter how small - to meet those needs. This can range from something as quick and simple as a shower or drinking a glass of water, to more complex tasks, such as cooking and eating a meal or engaging in exercise.