Anxiety is very normal. It can be closely linked with fear, panic or worry, and everyone usually experiences some form of anxiety. It is particularly common around high pressured times or changes, like sitting exams or moving away to college. We can have the feeling of butterflies in our stomachs, feeling sick, sweaty palms and heart pounding and recover once the trigger has passed like before a date, or an exam or finding the Lecture Theatre on your first day. Anxiety can happen before good things and difficult things too. Some would argue we need anxiety to help us function at our best capabilities.
Anxiety disorders are different from every day anxiety. The psychological, emotional and physical symptoms linked to these disorders can affect how we live and become really difficult and upsetting. For more information visit the Cleveland Clinic's website.
If you are not diagnosed with an anxiety disorder but feel you suffer from symptoms of it you should speak to your doctor. Make an appointment, and they will talk through the next steps with you, which is often being referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist. This is so they can understand the best next steps to take with treatment and support.