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A general overview and practice questions for the TEAS 7th Edition.

TEAS Test Overview

The TEAS test covers every subject a student will be expected to know before entering nursing school.  These subjects have already been covered in middle school or high school classes so studying for the test can be seen as a review of information you have likely seen at one more but need a refresher on. 

The test is 170 questions and is divided into 4 main sections: ReadingMathScience, and English/Language.  You are given 209 minutes to complete the exam. 

A Step By Step Guide to TEAS Registration

There are several test taking methods, but the TEAS is always proctored and always the same exam, no matter the setting.  Choose the method that works before for you.

What's on the Test?

The Reading portion contains 45 questions (39 scored, 6 unscored which are placed randomly) .  You are given 55 minutes to complete this section. It is divided into three main sections:

Key Ideas & Details (15 questions)


  • Analyze the use of topic and summary sentences. 
  • Identify the logical conclusion given a reading selection.
  • Identify topic, main idea, supporting details, and themes.
  • Analyze and evaluate the use of text structure (e.g., sequence, problem-solution, comparison contrast, description, cause-effect).
  • Follow a given set of directions.
  • Demonstrate understanding of a label’s ingredients and directions by selecting the product best suited for a specific purpose when given a choice of consumer products, inclusive of food and medicine.
  • Analyze the use of headings and subheadings.
  • Identify appropriate information from a graphic representation of information.
  • Identify scale readings when given a picture of a standard measurement instrument.
  • Use the legend and key of a sample map to identify specified information.
  • Identify specified information from a sample yellow page from a telephone book.
  • Identify specified information from a sample listing of items and costs (e.g., a menu, movie listings, costs for different groups of people). 

Craft & Structure (9 questions)


  • Distinguish between fact and opinion, biases, and stereotypes.
  • Identify the author’s intent to persuade, inform, entertain, or express feelings from a given statement or set of statements.
  • Identify the author’s position and purpose for writing the text.
  • Identify the characteristics of different passage types (e.g., narrative, expository, technical, persuasive).
  • Recognize ways that literature from different cultures presents similar themes differently across genres. 
  • Identify the correct definition of a word when given the word in context and a sample dictionary entry in which the definition of the word may be found.
  • Identify specific information from a printed communication (e.g., a memo, posted announcement, or classified ad).
  • Identify from an index or table of contents the page or pages of a publication where specified information may be found.
  • Analyze and use text features (e.g., bold text).

Integration of Knowledge & Ideas (15 questions)


  • Identify appropriate primary sources, including Internet sources.
  • Use prior knowledge to make predictions, inferences, and draw conclusions about a piece of literature.
  • Interpret the possible influences of the historical context on a literary work.
  • Identify the appropriate source for locating information given a specific topic and a list of information sources (e.g., road atlas, card catalog, dictionary, owner’s manual, database, encyclopedia).
  • Identify which product information supports a conclusion that one product is the more economical buy when given descriptions of like products of comparable quality and product information (e.g., quantity, delivery charges, costs).

The Math portion contains 38 questions (34 scored, 4 unscored which are placed randomly) .  You are given 57 minutes to complete this section. It is divided into two main sections:

Number & Algebra (18 questions)


  • Convert between percents, fractions, and decimals.
  • Identify the correct decimal placement in a product when given a multiplication problem involving decimal numbers (includes division).
  • Calculate percents (e.g., percent of a number, the percent increase or decrease).
  • Solve word problems involving percentages.
  • Use mathematical reasoning or computational procedures to solve one- or two-step word problems with fractions or decimals.
  • Divide two fractions or mixed numbers (includes multiplication).
  • Add two fractions or mixed numbers with unlike denominators (includes subtraction).
  • Use mathematical reasoning or computational procedures to solve one- or two-step word problems with whole numbers.
  • Solve word problems involving ratios, proportions, and rate of change.
  • Estimate the solution to a problem.
  • Subtract whole numbers with regrouping.
  • Convert irrational numbers into approximate decimal form and vice versa
  • Convert between Roman and Arabic numerals.
  • Determine the amount of take-home pay when given a salary and the deductions for a stated period of time.
  • Identify the cost of a given set of items, exclusive of tax, given an advertisement, menu, or other price list. 
  • Reconcile a checking or savings account when given the previous balance and transactions for a period of time.
  • Apply the order of operations.
  • Determine, when given information about an event, the quantity of material needed or cost of planning an event.
  • Compare and order rational numbers. 
  • Solve equations with one unknown (e.g., whole numbers, ratios).
  • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomial terms.
  • Translate word phrases and sentences into expressions, equations, and inequalities and vice versa.
  • Solve equations or inequalities involving absolute values.

Measurement & Data (16 questions) 


  • Organize data using tables, charts, and graphs.
  • Read and interpret data from line, bar, or circle graphs.
  • Determine the dependent and independent variables of a given set of data. 
  • Convert quantities from one measurement scale to another measurement scale.
  • Estimate metric quantities.
  • Use appropriate units of measure and measurement tools to accurately measure the length, weight, height and volume of an object.
  • Determine a measurement based on another given measurement (e.g., use a scale on a map to determine the distance between two cities) 

The Science portion contains 50 questions (44 scored, 6 unscored which are placed randomly) .  You are given 60 minutes to complete this section. It is divided into three main sections:

Human Anatomy & Physiology (18 questions) 


  • Describe the functions of the circulatory system.
  • Describe the functions of the digestive system.
  • Describe the functions of the nervous system.
  • Describe the functions of the respiratory system.
  • Describe the functions of the immune system.
  • Describe the general anatomy and physiology of a human.
  • Explain that populations grow or decline through the combined effects of births and deaths, and through emigration and immigration.
  • Identify various factors that influence birth rates and fertility rates. 

Biology (9 questions) 


  • Explain the process of natural selection and adaptation.
  • Explain the biological classification system.
  • Identify parts of a cell and its function (e.g., energy production, transportation of molecules, waste disposal, synthesis of new molecules, storage of genetic material).
  • Identify the structure and function of cellular organelles.
  • Explain that cells can differentiate.
  • Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.
  • Compare and contrast photosynthesis and respiration.
  • Describe the structures and functions of nucleic acids, to include DNA and RNA.
  • Explain that changes in DNA (mutations) occur spontaneously at low rates, and that only mutations in the germ cell can create the variation that changes an organism’s offspring.
  • Describe how RNA and DNA are involved in cell replication.
  • Explain that heredity information is stored in genes. 
  • Compare and contrast chromosomes, genes, proteins, RNA, and DNA.
  • Describe the differences between phenotypes and genotypes.
  • Apply Mendel’s laws of genetics and the Punnett square.

Chemsitry (8 questions) 


  • Identify the sun as the major external source of energy.
  • Balance and identify important chemical reactions, including oxidation/reduction and acid/base reactions.
  • Identify the purpose of catalysts.
  • Recognize that enzymes are protein molecules.
  • Use pH scale to identify acid and base solutions.
  • Identify chemical bonds between atoms in common molecules (e.g., common hydrocarbons).
  • State the chemical properties of water.
  • Distinguish among kinetic energy, potential energy, and other energy contained by a field.
  • Identify the measurable properties of atoms, including mass and electrical charge.
  • Identify protons, neutrons, and electrons as major components of an atom.
  • Explain that chemical bonds result when electrons are shared or transferred between atoms.
  • Explain the physical and chemical patterns within the Periodic Table of Elements.
  • Explain the difference of the atoms or molecules in liquids, gases, and solids.
  • Compare and contrast evaporation, vaporization, and condensation. 

Scientific Reasoning (9 questions) 


  • Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations, including formulation and testing of hypotheses
  • Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications.
  • Formulate and revise scientific explanations (including conclusions) and models using logic and evidence.
  • Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models.
  • Communicate and defend a scientific argument.
  • Identify reasons for conducting investigations.
  • Identify reasons for including technology and mathematics in science research. 

The English and Language Usage portion contains 37 questions (33 scored, 4 unscored which are placed randomly) .  You are given 37 minutes to complete this section. It is divided into three main sections:

Conventions of Standard English (12 questions) 


  • Use grammar for a stylistic effect and to enhance clarity in writing.
  • Apply subject-verb agreement rules.
  • Apply pronoun-antecedent agreement rules.
  • Identify and use different parts of speech (e.g., possessives, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs).
  • Use dialog correctly.
  • Apply the rules of capitalization.
  • Apply the rules of ellipses, commas, semicolons, colons, hyphens, and parentheses.
  • Apply the rules of quotation marks and apostrophes. 

Knowledge of Language (11 questions) 


  • Use first, second, and third person narrative voice.
  • Demonstrate sentence fluency by techniques such as varying beginnings, lengths, and patterns of sentences; creating sentences that flow together well; and using a variety of sentence structures.
  • Use sentences (usually 5 or more) to form organized and logical paragraphs.
  • Write simple sentences (e.g., identify, correct, or complete simple sentences). 

Vocabulary Acquisition (10 questions) 


  • Use context clues to determine the meaning of words or phrases.
  • Determine the meaning of words by analyzing word structure; identifying roots, prefixes, suffixes; and using word origins (e.g., AngloSaxon, Latin, Greek). 
  • Apply rules of spelling (including homophones, irregular plurals, and contractions).
  • Correct misspelled words.

Practice Exams

Below are a list of free practice exams for the TEAS test.  Note that a majority of these sites are heavy with advertising, you should not have to pay for any of the reseources below.  For access more information on how to access the free Learning Express Library materials, please contact your local librarian.