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Writing Skills

Brush up on your grammar and punctuation skills to polish your final drafts.

Dangling Modifiers

Dangling modifiers occur when the subject in the introductory phrase is not stated. To correct a dangling modifier by introducing a subject, a participial phrase or converting the sentence to passive voice.


  • INCORRECT: While reading "The Yellow Wallpaper", the main character evokes pity.
  • CORRECT: While I was reading "The Yellow Wallpaper", I felt pity for the main character.

Correcting Dangling Modifiers

To correct the sentence, we can either introduce a subject or convert the sentence to the passive voice:

  • When the parent provides children with an opportunity to be independent, they become more self-motivated.
  • When children are provided with an opportunity to be independent, they become more self-motivated.

Additionally, we can correct the sentence using a participial phrase:

  • By providing children with an opportunity to be independent, parents help them to be more self-motivated.