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Writing Skills

Brush up on your grammar and punctuation skills to polish your final drafts.


A conclusion reiterates the main idea of the essay stated in the introduction, summarizes the evidence presented in the body of the essay, draws any conclusions based on that evidence, and brings a written composition to a logical close.

Ways to Focus Your Conclusion

  • a short summary of the main idea
  • a call to action
  • a reiteration of the main points made
  • a question
  • a proposed solution to the question raised in the thesis statement
  • a statement of the significance of findings
  • a statement of the limitations of the study or research
  • a recommendation for further exploration of the subject

Things to Avoid

  • repeating the thesis verbatim
  • repeating ideas from the introduction
  • introducing a new idea not discussed in the main body of the paper
  • apologizing for your views