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Resumes and Interview Skills

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Using action verbs

You should use action verbs in workplace writing because they make sentences and statements more concise.  This makes your statements generally more persuasive, as action verbs are more convincing than non-action verbs.

The following job description uses a non-action verb:

  • Was the boss of a team of six service technicians.

The job description below uses an action verb:

  • Supervised a team of six service technicians

Use action verbs in resumes to describe all skills, jobs, or accomplishments. Using action verbs will allow you to highlight the tasks you can do. Word choice is critical in order to describe what you have done and to persuade potential employers to give you an interview.

Sample action verbs

Accelerated Cleared Estimated Manufactured Prototyped Road mapped
Added Coded Equipped Mapped Provisioned Rolled out
Adopted Collocated Evaluated Mechanized Qualified Routed
Aggregated Computed Expunged Merged Quality Assured Safeguarded
Analyzed Computerized Extended Migrated Ranked Salvaged
Applied Configured Extracted Mined Realigned Scanned
Assembled Consolidated Extrapolated Mirrored Rebooted Scoped
Authenticated Constructed Fabricated Mobilized Rebuilt Secured
Automated Corrected Finalized Modeled Reconciled Selected
Backed-up Debugged Fine-Tuned Modified Reconstructed Sequenced
Balanced Deciphered Formatted Moved Recovered Solved
Blocked Decoded Functionalized Networked Rectified Stabilized
Boosted Dedicated Grouped Neutralized Re-engineered Standardized
Branched Defended Hosted Operated Refreshed Straddled
Bridged Delivered Identified Optimized Reinforced Systematized
Built Deployed Implemented Overhauled Rehabilitated Tested
Bundled Digitized Initialized Packaged Released Toggled
Calculated Discovered Installed Patched Remodeled Traced
Calibrated Dispatched Integrated Penetrated Replicated Transitioned
Certified Distributed Isolated Pinpointed Restored Updated
Changed Duplicated Launched Prevented Retooled Upgraded
Checked Enabled Licensed Prioritized Retrieved Validated
Classified Engineered Linked Processed Retrofitted Verified
Cleaned Enhanced Loaded Programmed Revamped Virtualized
Cleansed Eradicated Maintained Protected Revised Web-enabled