Persuasive & Argumentative Papers

What is a persuasive paper?

A persuasive paper uses evidence to convince others on a subject or particular point of view. The audience is generally people who are “on the fence” about the issue and therefore will benefit from gaining more information on the topic.  This method can support any number of items to provide supportive details as it will be the supporting points that form the paragraphs.

Paragraph Function Example
Introduction Introduce the topic being discussed and lead to a thesis statement or argument. Poverty is more likely to result in poor nutrition as evidenced by the price of healthy food, the amount of time fresh food takes to prepare, and the proximity of low-incoming housing to food deserts.  
First Body Paragraph Discuss point #1 of the topic. The price of fresh food is much higher per caloric value than boxed food.
Second Body Paragraph Discuss point #2 of the topic. The average person in Texas who takes public transportation works 11.4 hours per day, leaving little time to prepare, cook, and serve a well-balanced meal.
Third Body Paragraph Discuss point #3 of the topic. Low-income housing areas are considered "food deserts" which have few (if any) sidewalks for mobility and no grocery stores in a walkable distance, but fast food restaurants readily available on every street.
Conclusion Without repeating any claims or adding any new information, emphasize the importance of the similarities and differences between the two subjects as they are relevant to your thesis. While there are many personal solutions to improving nutrition,  local and state governments could vastly improve the situation for everyone by improving public transportation, zoning laws, and offering incentives to businesses that provide low-cost, healthy food.