Persuasive & Argumentative Papers

What are transitions?

Transitional words and expressions are devices that allow you to move from one idea to the next without abrupt changes.

A good essay, research paper, or report uses transitions to help the reader follow the line of thought from sentence to sentence or paragraph to paragraph. Transitional expressions make your writing more readable and structurally coherent. Use them for clarity and smooth flow of thought.

Transitional words and phrases

additionally again also
as well as besides by the same token
coupled with equally equally important
even more finally first, second, third, etc.
further furthermore identically
in addition in like manner in similar fashion
in the same way last, lastly like
likewise moreover not only ... but also
not to mention of course second, secondly, etc.
similarly together with uniquely
(and) still (and) yet above all
after all albeit although
although this/it may be true and yet as much as
at the same time besides but
conversely despite different from
even so even though however
in contrast in spite of instead
nevertheless nonetheless notwithstanding
of course ..., but on the contrary on the other hand
otherwise rather regardless
then again though unlike
whereas while yet
... then as as long as
because because of due to
for that reason given that granted
in order to in the event that in view of
inasmuch as on the condition that on account of
only / even if provided that seeing that
since unless when
whenever while with this in mind
with this intention    
as an illustration certainly chiefly
e.g., (for example) especially for example
for instance for this reason frequently
i.e., (that is) important to realize in fact
in general in other words in particular
in this case including indeed
like markedly most compelling evidence
namely notably particularly
significantly specifically such as
surely surprisingly that is to say
to be sure to clarify to demonstrate
to emphasize to enumerate to explain
to explain to illustrate to point out
to put it another way to put it differently to repeat
to rephrase it truly with attention to
with this in mind    
accordingly as a result because the
consequently for this reason in effect
in that case then therefore
thus under those circumstances  
after all all things considered altogether
as can be seen as has been noted as shown above
by and large for the most part given these points
in any event in brief in conclusion
in either case in essence in fact
in short in sum in summary
in the final analysis in the long run obviously
on balance on the whole overall
to conclude to summarize ultimately
about after afterwards
always as long as as soon as
at length at the present time at the same time
at this instant before by the time
during earlier eventually
finally first, second, third, etc. following
formerly from time to time further
hence henceforth immediately
in due time in the meantime in time
instantly last later
meanwhile never next
now now that occasionally
once presently prior to
quickly shortly simultaneously
since so far sometimes
soon straightaway subsequently
suddenly then this time
till to begin with until
until now up to the present time when
whenever while without delay
above across adjacent to
alongside amid among
around before behind
below beneath beside
between beyond down
from further here
in the background in the distance near
nearby next on this side
opposite to over there
under up where
for this purpose in order that
so that to this end
almost although always
frequently maybe nearly
never perhaps probably
as a matter of fact by all means certainly
even in fact indeed
no of course surely
to repeat truly undoubtedly
without doubt yes  
although it is true that granted that I admit that
it may appear that naturally of course
also and besides
furthermore in addition likewise
as a general rule for the most part in general
on the whole typically usually