Grammar & Punctuation

Bias-free language

Sometimes the language we use reflects our stereotypes. While in speech our facial expressions or even gestures may convince our listeners that we are not being offensive, in writing it is a lot harder to do. Avoid making generalizations when talking about gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, or people with disabilities.

Race & ethnicity

If race or ethnicity is used to describe a person, it has to be relevant to the information presented.

Ethnic and racial labels often change and deciding which term is the correct one can be hard. Should we say African American or black? Hispanic or Latino/Latina? American Indian or Native American? And is Asian the preferred term?

As Hult and Huckin state: "The best rule of thumb is to call people by whatever term they prefer, just as you should pronounce their personal name however they want it pronounced. If you are unsure of what to use to describe a certain group of people, just ask members of that group" (725-726).


Labels are often generated when we use adjectives as collective nouns. Avoid using labels the disabled, the schizophrenics; instead, use people with disabilities, people diagnosed with schizophrenia.

The APA Manual of Style also recommends using emotionally neutral expressions when describing people with disabilities: a person with AIDS rather than an AIDS victim, a person with emphysema rather than a person suffering from emphysema (76).


Avoid using masculine pronouns when the gender of the person is not known. 

  • BIASED: Each scientist was required to submit his proposal before the deadline.
  • UNBIASED: Each scientist was required to submit their proposal before the deadline.
  • UNBIASED: The proposals were required to be submitted before the deadline.


Alternative Occupational Terms

Avoid Use Instead


businessman businessperson, executive, manager, business owner, retailer, etc.
chairman chair, chairperson, coordinator, head
cleaning lady, maid housecleaner, housekeeper, cleaning person, office cleaner
clergyman member of the clergy, rabbi, priest, etc.
congressman representative, member of Congress, legislator
forefather ancestor
housewife homemaker
insurance man insurance agent
mailman, postman mail carrier, postal worker
man person, individual
mankind humankind, humanity, human beings
policeman police officer, law enforcement officer
spokesman spokesperson, representative
stewardess, steward flight attendant 
weatherman weather reporter, metereologist