ENGL 2331: World Lit

Citation Guide for MLA and APA

MLA Format Guidelines

Find document formatting, in-text citation guidance, and more for papers written in MLA style.

Using Free Citation Generators Tutorial

Using Free Citation Generators

Free citation generators are websites that create academic citations for your work. No matter if you’re looking for MLA format, APA citation, Harvard referencing, or Chicago style, you’ll find a generator that fits your project.

What are Citations?

Citations are essential to writing good papers.  They are important for a number of reasons:

  • It gives proper credit to the work's creator.
  • It enables the researcher to find the work cited in order to verify the accuracy and interpretation of what is quoted or referred to.
  • It is a check on the false attribution and misleading use of information.
  • It allows YOUR ideas to stand out clearly in the text.  
  • It helps reduce the possibility of plagiarism as you have clearly stated the sources for your information and ideas.

Where to Cite

Citation happens at two points in your paper:

  1. at the immediate point in the document where you use or reference someone else's work (in-text citation);
  2. in the bibliography, reference list or work cited page at the end of your paper.

Get help from your librarians

If you need help finding sources for your assignments or projects, formatting your papers, or just help trying to get started with your work, you can contact your local librarian using any method below or use the chat box to the left.