Position tables and figures as soon as possible after they are first referenced. If necessary, present them after the paragraph in which they are described.
For figures, include a caption, or short explanation of the figure or illustration, directly after the figure number.
Cite the source of the table and figure information with a “credit line” at the bottom of the table or figure and, if applicable, after the caption. The credit line should be distinguished from the caption by being enclosed in parenthesis or written in different type.
Cite a source as you would for parenthetical citation, and include full information in an entry on your Bibliography or References page.
Acknowledge reproduced or adapted sources appropriately (i.e., photo by; data adapted from; map by...).
If a table includes data not acquired by the author of the text, include an unnumbered footnote. Introduce the note by the word Source(s) followed by a colon, then include the full source information, and end the note with a period.