About Your Library

Library policies


The purpose of the Learning Resource Centers (LRC) at Texas State Technical College (TSTC) is to serve the college community through providing the digital and physical materials necessary to support the College’s curricula and programs, fostering information literacy and lifelong learning skills, and meeting the broad reading and informational needs of a multicultural campus community. The mission is achieved by evaluating, organizing, and collecting appropriate resources to meet the College’s teaching and learning needs. As such, the LRCs serve as a central point for learning, exploration, and community. The LRCs also act as an archive of the College’s history through preservation of key historical materials.


  1. To promote the development of information literacy.

  2. To commit to ongoing collection development and management.

  3. To provide assistance in all steps of the research and homework assignment process.

  4. To provide assistance in the search and retrieval of information.

  5. To encourage lifelong education through the use of library resources.

  6. To facilitate learning by providing relevant services, resources, and facilities for students, faculty and staff.

  7. To preserve the history of the institution and its influence in the community.

General Library Policies

User Responsibilities and Ethics

The TSTC LRC is open to students, faculty, staff, and the general public.  LRC materials, spaces, and services are intended to benefit the entire TSTC community.  LRC patrons are expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct and behave in a socially responsible manner.  In the event someone becomes disruptive LRC staff are authorized to call TSTC Campus Police for assistance.

The following rules will be enforced:

  • No excessive noise, rowdiness, threatening, or abusive language.

  • Cell phones should be silenced.  Phone calls should be taken in designated areas.  

  • No audio from personal media devices.

  • No smoking or vaping.

  • No food or drinks unless in specified areas.  Drinks should be kept in spill-proof containers only.

  • No pets allowed.  Service animals are welcome. 

  • No bicycles, roller blades, hoverboards, skateboards or other intrusive means of personal transportation.  Excluded are ADA compliant devices.


Visitors may use the LRC’s books, periodicals, and other onsite resources for general and research purposes, provided that use does not conflict with the LRC’s responsibility to the TSTC community.


Parents or legal guardians of a minor are responsible for the actions of that minor. The LRC holds minors to the same standard of behavior as adults. Parents or guardians of disruptive minors will be directed to leave
with them if they are unable to control their children.

Children under the age of 14 cannot be left unattended in the LRC. Staff members will contact campus police if this occurs. The LRC will not accept responsibility for the safety of unaccompanied minors.

Access to the LRC

Library and Learning/Information Access

The institution provides (a) student and faculty access and user privileges to its library services and (b) access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources.

Texas State Technical College (TSTC) provides student and faculty access and user privileges to its library services and access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources.

Ease of Access

TSTC has Learning Resource Center (LRC) representation at all TSTC locations. Abilene, Brownwood, Fort Bend County, Harlingen, Marshall, Sweetwater, Waco, and Williamson County have traditional libraries with
physical and electronic resources, study areas, and computer labs. Breckenridge and North Texas have a designated room for computer use and access to electronic resources and sectioned areas for study and tutoring.

All currently-registered TSTC students and employees have the  same  access  to  LRC online resources  which  can  be accessed through the TSTC Portal (a secure internal platform that provides access  to  institutional  information and relevant  tools). For login assistance, users may contact the TSTC OIT Helpdesk at 1.800.592.7874 or via email at tstchelpdesk@tstc.edu.  To facilitate online 24/7 library access on any Web-enabled device, free WiFi is available on the TSTC campuses.

User Privilege Access

Patrons of the TSTC LRCs include: TSTC employees (including faculty), current and alumni students, dual enrollment or early college high school students, distance education students, students on off-campus sites, and members of the public or students from another institution with a valid TexShare Card. Students who are enrolled in courses at TSTC while attending high school are designated as dual enrollment or early college high school students. TSTC alumni students are assisted with provisional services and resources.

TSTC employees and registered students, including dual enrollment or early college high school students, distance education students, and students on off-campus sites can access electronic library resources directly through the TSTC Portal, TSTC Website,  and TSTC LibGuides and can access all physical library resources with a current TSTC ID number. To acquire access to a wide array of library resources across the state, employees and students may apply for a TexShare card at any TSTC LRC. For further details on TexShare cards, see standard 11.1 Library and Learning/Information Resources.

TSTC alumni students and employees, members of the public, and students from another institution with a valid TexShare card access the LRC online resources through the TSTC Website. Library contacts, hours, facility, library catalog, and TexShare information are available on this website. A TexShare card affiliated with another institution or library will allow access to physical unrestricted circulating materials.

Off-Campus Library Access

TSTC employees, dual enrollment or early college high school students, distance education students, and students on off-campus sites have access to the LRCs' electronic library resources through the TSTC Portal, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any web-enabled device on and off campus may be used to access the electronic resources.  (Electronic resources are not available to former students, TexShare users, and those without a valid TSTC identification.)

The LRC main page on the TSTC Portal includes contact information, operational hours, and links to individual campus information, Library Catalog, Library Databases, LibGuides and BookShare resources. The individual LRC campus links are Harlingen & Ft. Bend, Marshall, Waco & North Texas, West Texas, and Williamson County. The individual LRC links include library contacts, resource and service summations.

Electronic Resources

The LRCs electronic library resources accessed through the TSTC Portal include the Library Catalog TSTC/ LRC Book Share TSTC LibGuides and the Library Databases.         

The Library Catalog is accessible through the TSTC Portal and the TSTC Website. The Library Catalog, a product of SirsiDynix called Symphony, is an integrated library catalog system. With a single sign-on to all TSTC LRC catalogs, users may search for print,  electronic, audiovisual, and special collection materials. Users establishing a personal account on the Library Catalog may create lists, place holds, and check statuses on borrowed materials. The Library Catalog may also be used to research, access, and request print materials from any TSTC LRC through the TSTC/LRC BookShare program.

TSTC LibGuides is accessible through the TSTC Portal. LibGuides is a content management system tool for libraries that promotes information sharing, maximizes use of library services, and facilitates the management of library resources. LibGuides facilitates a greater online presence, integration of library resources in coursework, and closer relationships with faculty and students. TSTC LibGuides is another access point to the Library Catalog, TSTC/LRC BookShare, library contact information and announcements. On LibGuides, users may also Ask a Librarian and converse with library staff in real time.

The LibGuides Student tab includes information on: library resources, databases with full - text e- books and e-serials,  research and report  writing, LibGuides (program, subject  and research  guides), book  sharing, tutorials,  and homework help.

The LibGuides Faculty tab includes information on: library resources and collection development, library instruction and presentations, customized research guide building by program or assignment, instructions on putting material on course reserves, and database access.

TSTC LRC program course and subject LibGuides allows users to find guides for research by field of study or assignment , self-paced information literacy education, citation tools, database access, vetted links to authoritative sites to help complete assignments, and instructional videos on college-level research and database searching.

The Library Databases are accessible through TSTC LibGuides and the TSTC Portal. The 70+ library databases are indexed alphabetically. A brief description for each entry is given correlating with instructional areas. More than 311,000 full text e-books and 9 million electronic full text serials are available. The scholarly and peer-reviewed associate program, academic, scientific, and technical database subjects include but are not limited to: college success, career success, health, literary criticism, opposing viewpoints, research, reference centers, automotive, pharmacology, and industry  profiles.

On-Campus Library Access

The TSTC LRCs are ideal places for students to study, research, and interact with faculty, staff, and other students. Library operations foster learning and growth by providing information appropriate to courses offered in Abilene, Breckenridge, Brownwood, Fort Bend County, Harlingen, Marshall, Sweetwater, Waco, and Williamson County.

Hours of operation vary by location to meet the needs of the TSTC community. The hours of operation, contact information, and   physical address for each LRC is posted on the TSTC Website, Portal, LibGuides, and Library Catalog.

Faculty Access

In collaboration with Disability Services, the LRCs have dedicated workstations and equipment to accommodate users with physical handicaps. In compliance with ADA standards, TSTC and the LRC follow building access codes.

Dedicated spaces for tutoring in collaboration with the Student Success Center are available at all LRCs. Library or designated staff are available for student mentoring and study halls. Designated staff monitor sign-in sheets and activities in collaboration with the Student Success Center.

Additional LRC meeting rooms and classrooms are available in Abilene, Harlingen, Marshall, and Sweetwater. All LRCs, with the exception of Breckenridge, Brownwood, and North Texas have study rooms available for student use.

The LRCs in Harlingen and Waco have dedicated computers that provide direct access to the Library Catalog.  All computers in the LRCs facilitate access to library electronic resources and services and to the TSTC Portal.

Computers in the LRCs will also accommodate special software that is based on program need, is unique to each campus and provides a homework environment outside the classroom.  The programs include but are not limited to:  Zoomtext, AutoCAD, MasterCook, Mathlab, Automation Studio, CISCO Packet Tracer, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Visual Studios.

Timely Instruction of Resources

The LRCs inform and instruct prospective and current students on available library resources and services in individual and structured group presentations. Prospective students, registered students, dual enrollment
students, transfer students, off-site campus students, and online students may visit an LRC facility or go to the TSTC Portal and TSTC LibGuides to acquire library tools and literature that will support the student's college and career success. See standard 12.1 Student Support Services for further information.

The LRCs offer regular and timely instruction in the use of the library for all current students and faculty. For off-site locations, library staff assistance and online presentations are available upon request. The
presentations promote the library as a central hub for study and research with scholarly and peer-reviewed resources readily available.  Instruction on learning information resources includes but is not limited to using and searching: LibGuides, Library Databases, the Library Catalog, and the LRCs on the TSTC Portal. To assess presentation effectiveness, a printed Presentation Evaluation Form or an online Presentation Evaluation Form is given to the students attending the presentations. The form allows students to evaluate
information presented, evaluate the usefulness of information, and make suggestions for improvements in library instruction.

New and returning students statewide are informed about available LRC resources and services via an email and on course syllabi at the beginning of each semester. The email is sent to all current TSTC student email accounts.

Faculty have the option to include library support for students in distance education coursework with an embedded librarian.    Embedded librarians are library staff integrated into an online course in an instructor-level role. With online involvement in a class, the library has a better understanding of assignment requirements and instructor expectations. Students are able to direct message the librarian with reference questions relating to coursework, and the librarian is able to host relevant discussions on internal message boards. In addition, course-based LibGuides are developed by library staff with faculty input to support large, research-based projects.

The LRCs inform and instruct faculty and staff on available library resources and services through individual and structured group presentations. The presentations include but are not limited to: LRC orientation requests, collection development collaborations, and research consultations. New faculty and employees may also access library information and guidance through TSTC's Faculty Development Course. Library and
Professional Development staff work together on relevant content portions to ensure the accuracy and currency of library information for this course. The course is a required part of new faculty training and must be completed within 7 months of enrollment. See standard 6.5 Faculty Development for further   information.

All TSTC LRCs provide handouts about library resources on subjects such as:  information literacy, library services, databases, research, and evaluating materials. The LRCs also use banners, signs, fact sheets, and
displays within the space to promote special collections and unique services. A bulletin board is available in most LRCs to promote library events and TSTC-sanctioned announcements, club meetings, and campus events.

Confidentiality of Library Records

The TSTC LRC protects the confidentiality of every individual’s personal information, circulation records, and use of library materials and resources to the fullest extent of the law. Such information will be retained no longer than necessary to achieve the purpose for which it is gathered. Such records will not be made available to anyone outside of TSTC employees with the need to know, except through due process.

As stated in the TSTC Student Handbook students have: the right to confidentiality of official records, transcripts, disciplinary records, and other educational records consistent with the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (Buckley Amendment). 

As a state agency, TSTC is subject to the Public Information Act


Note that the Foreign Intelligence Security Act (FISA) supersedes all state confidentiality laws protecting library information.

Incidents & Incident Reports

Incident Reports

LRC patrons are expected to understand and follow the rules as outlined by this document and the Student Handbook, the TSTC Code of Conduct, and as stated on posted LRC signs and notices. On occasion infractions of the stated rules do happen. These incidents include, but are not limited to: eating in prohibited areas, disruptive behavior, computer use violations, or misuse or damage of LRC property.

For more information on rules and standards for behavior please visit the following links: 

Texas State Technical College Catalog and Student Handbook

Texas State Technical College Code of Conduct

Theft of LRC Materials or Property

Theft of LRC material is defined as deliberately leaving the LRC with property without checking the item out at the Circulation Desk. These materials include, but not limited to: books, magazines, videos, CD's, DVD's, films, fiche, hardware or equipment. 

It will be assumed that the patron has committed an honest mistake in forgetting to check out materials, but if there is any question staff will make a copy of the student's ID and itemize the materials in question. In serious cases the Campus Police will be notified. 

Destruction of LRC Materials or Property

The Texas State Technical College Library provides a welcoming physical environment to promote life-long learning and to assure an atmosphere conducive to research. All library users must conform to a standard of behavior respecting the use of Library facilities, resources, and the rights of other users. Behavior and conduct that are not permitted include, but are not limited to, the following: 

Misuse of Library facilities and resources 

  • Willfully and maliciously damaging, mutilating, stealing, or removing library property, equipment or furniture.

  • Removing, cutting, or tearing pages of library books or other materials. 

  • Disregarding rules pertaining to special areas.

  • Providing the wireless keys to patrons to provide access to the internet from patron's computer. 

  • Occupying library computers for personal and recreational use when others are waiting. 

Disturbing or Disruptive Behavior

  • Excessive noise, rowdiness, threatening or abusive language.

  • Children who are distracting other users. 

  • Use of electronic or other devices such as radios, pagers and cell phones. 

  • Talking on cell phones in the library is very distracting and therefore STRICTLY prohibited.

  • Using a cell phone or digital camera to take pictures of other people in the library with or without their consent. 

  • Any action that creates an unhealthy or unpleasant environment

Circulation Policy

TSTC Harlingen students and employees will be allowed to check out a limit of five items available only in the Waco and Harlingen LRCs. This policy excludes TexShare or Interlibrary Loan at this time. If available, eBook formats will be recommended first.

How to Request

Material requests must be placed in advance by phone, email or in-person.

  • Requests must be made at least 2 hours in advance.
  • Walkin requests are welcome, but items may not circulate immediately.

LRC staff will pull requested items, check items out to the requester, and bag items for pickup.

Requesters will be notified by TSTC email when the items are ready for pickup.

  • LRC will attempt to fill requests the same business day; requests made after 2PM will be fulfilled the following business day. 
  • An official email through the Sirsidynix circulation notification system will be sent at time of checkout using the TSTC email address on the borrower’s record.
  • Borrowers must present ID for pickup.
  • Proxy borrower forms must be on file if someone other than the requestor picks up the items.
  • Requesters have two business days to pick up items, beginning at opening on the day after the request is filled.

Items not picked up will be checked in and reshelved.

Texshare Policy

Statewide Contact

Name: Emily Preece
Phone Number: (254) 867-4846
Address: 3801 Campus Drive, Waco, TX 76705-1607

Obtaining a TexShare Card

For current TSTC Students, Faculty, and Staff: cards may be requested at the Circulation Desk of your local TSTC Learning Resource Center. Cards expire at the end of each semester and may be renewed if in good standing.

Using a TexShare Card

Patrons from participating TexShare institutions can borrow up to 5 books for 21 days. Renewals are allowed as long as there is no hold on the material. Public TexShare borrowers must be adults (at least 18 years of age). Borrowers must present both a valid TexShare card and a valid form of photo ID.

Hours of Operation

Vary by campus. Contact your local LRC for more information.

Loan Policies

TexShare borrowers may borrow up to 5 books for 21 days, subject to recall. Borrowers are responsible for returning library materials by the designated due date.

Restrictions and Limitations

Checkout privileges for TexShare Borrowers do not include reference, reserve, periodicals, electronic databases or audiovisual materials. The LRC does not participate with TExpress Courier. Privileges will be revoked for users who do not return items by the due date or for failure to pay billed charges. Unpaid bills are forwarded to the patron’s sponsoring institution.


Materials may be renewed once and only if the item is not on hold. Renewals must be made in person.


Borrowers are responsible for returning materials by the due date. Late fees will be assessed for material received after the due date. Materials may be returned in person to the Circulation Desk where they were originally checked out or by US first-class mail.


Materials on loan to a TexShare borrower that are requested by a student, faculty or staff member at TSTC can be recalled. TexShare borrowers will be notified of a recall by email or phone.

Non-circulating Items

Reference, reserve, periodicals, audiovisual materials or special collections do not circulate.

Overdue Reminders

Primary notifications will be sent via email. Phone and mail will be used to notify if necessary.

Fines and Fees

TexShare patrons who do not return library materials on time will be charged 10 cents per day per item. If material is damaged, the amount of the damage will be assessed and the borrower will be charged accordingly.

Lost Items

Replacement cost of the item plus a 10% fee.

Billing Information

Fines must be paid in person at the library from where the material was borrowed.

Notes, Comments, Additional Information

Online catalog: https://tstc.ent.sirsi.net

All borrowers should be considerate and return materials promptly. For additional information, please contact your local LRC or the TSTC LRC TexShare Coordinator at 254-867-4846.

ES 2.16 Learning Resource Center Collection Policy

LRC staff is responsible for building and maintaining a balanced, coordinated, and current collection. Selection of materials will be done in conjunction with TSTC faculty, including but not limited to an LRC Advisory Committee. LRC staff is also responsible for soliciting recommendations for purchase from faculty, staff, and students.

Acquisition and discontinuation of materials will be conducted in accordance with recommended procedures from the American Library Association, Association of College and Research Libraries, and the Texas Library Association. Materials will be selected on the basis of content, collection relevance, and usability of format. When making acquisitions, attempts will be made to present a variety of viewpoints. Materials that no longer meet selection criteria will be removed from circulation in order to maintain usability of the collection.

Collection Development Operating Procedures 

1. New materials will be considered based on three primary criteria: relevance to College curricula and programs, faculty need, and appeal to the College Community.

a. In evaluating requests for purchase, professional library staff members will consult appropriate reviewing media or trade journals.

b. Librarians will consult with faculty and staff, where appropriate

c. A program’s demonstrated use of the LRCs will be a factor in establishing priorities for the acquisition of materials.

d. An LRC Advisory Committee, where applicable, may provide recommendations and input on acquisitions.

2. The LRCs will solicit faculty and staff recommendations for consideration of acquisitions.

3. The LRCs accept suggestions from students, faculty, and staff. These requests will be considered in relation to the above criteria.

4. The LRCs accept donations that meet the following guidelines:

a. Materials should be relevant to the TSTC collection.

b. Materials should be current and published within the last 5 years (3 years for technical manuals).

c. All print materials must be bound. Pamphlets, magazines, and maps may be accepted.

d. The materials must be in good condition; i.e. no water damage, tears, damaged spines, or other  defects.

e. The materials must be free of mold and stains.

f. All non-print materials may be accepted upon the discretion of the library.

5. Technical Services will generate searchable physical and electronic library records in a statewide integrated Library System. Following budgetary guidelines materials should be acquired, cataloged and circulated concurrently during the fiscal year.

6. All materials will be inventoried and reconciled annually where applicable.

7. The collection will be inspected on a periodic basis. The purpose is to evaluate for relevancy, currency and coverage of supplemental program materials.

 8. TSTC historical documents and memorabilia may be deposited in the LRCs for preservation and organization for future access.

LRC Evaluation Policy

ES 2.11 Learning Resource Center Collection Policy

The Learning Resource Centers at Texas State Technical College will be regularly and systematically evaluated to determine their success in meeting the needs of students, faculty, and staff in supporting the College’s technical and academic programs of study and in advancing the mission of the College.

Evaluation Policy Operating Procedures

1. The Learning Resource Centers (LRC) staff will work in conjunction with the Institutional Effectiveness and Research office to systematically gather the quantitative and qualitative data necessary to biannually report on the following:

a. Services:

i. Access to information

1. Listing of available indices, catalogs, and bibliographies

2. Electronic resource usage logs

ii. Orientation, assistance, and instruction statistics

1. Quantity by program

2. Estimates of individual assistance

3. Workshop evaluation results

iii. Facility and equipment

1. Photocopier/printer counts

2. Questionnaire results

iv. Stakeholder satisfaction

b. The Collection:

i. Periodicals questionnaire

ii. Annual inventory

iii. Interlibrary loan requests

iv. Faculty and staff recommendations

c. Number and Qualifications of Staff Positions:

i. Staffing requirements to manage the quantity of backlogged or unprocessed materials

ii. Staffing requirements for added and proposed new services

iii. Staffing requirement in an effort to comply with standards and guidelines of agencies including Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, SACSCOC, American Library Association, Texas Library Association, and other relevant professional agencies.

2. The LRCs may convene a Library Advisory Committee to assist in ensuring compliance with relevant agency standards. The Library Advisory Committee may also review LRC reports and make recommendations to the LRC Directors. Those recommendations may also be shared with the appropriate instructional administrators.

Withdraw/Disposal Policy

Periodically designated library staff will inspect a section of the LRC’s collection.   During the inspection staff  will look for; aged, damaged, duplicated, or non-relevant materials.

An item will be considered aged when it is older than 5 – 10 years.  These items will be looked at to relevance to the collection and the number and age of similar material on the subject.  The exception will be material that is still of historical significance, or deemed still relevant material.

An item will be marked as damaged if it has one of the following conditions: missing and/ or torn pages, ink markings, water damage, broken spines, or mold.  If too badly damaged the material will be marked Discard and the Director will make the determination to replace or discard.

An item will be considered non-relevant if TSTC no longer has the subject on the curriculum.  These items will be judged for common interest-determined by how many times the item has been checked out, and age.  Items determined to be non-relevant will be moved to Discard.  

Faculty Paticipation

Annually, at the start of the Summer Semester, an email will be sent to relevant faculty seeking input to update the LRC collections.  Department Chairs, or their Faculty members, will be asked for recommendations on; items to be removed, updated, or additions to the collection.  Faculty will be asked to fill out an evaluation form which the library staff will use as a guideline for removing and/or replacing materials. 

Donation & Gift Policy

The LRCs accept donations that meet the following guidelines:

a. Materials should be relevant to the TSTC collection.

b. Materials should be current and published within the last 5 years (3 years for technical manuals).

c. All print materials must be bound. Pamphlets, magazines, and maps may be accepted.

d. Materials must be in good condition; no water damage, tears, damaged spines, or other  defects.

e. The materials must be free of mold and stains.

f. All non-print materials may be accepted upon the discretion of the library.

All gifts are accepted with a “no strings attached” policy becoming the property of the TSTC LRC to utilize, without prior stipulations of any kind as to treatment, shelving or circulation. 

The LRC reserves the right to distribute gifts to library clientele at no cost or donate to other institutions. 

The LRC is not qualified to appraise gifts for any purposes including taxes. It is up to the donor to appraise the gifts and to defend the appraisal if a tax deduction is contemplated. 

The value of the materials received will not be included in the letter of acknowledgement from the LRC. 

Upon request of public acknowledgement, the donor will receive a letter of acknowledgement from the LRC and a receipt of materials given from TSTC.

Computer/Internet Usage

Electronic Standards

  1. The LRC seeks to utilize accepted industry standards for computer systems to ensure ongoing functionality, support, and interaction with other systems.

  2. The LRC will work collaboratively with the TSTC Office of Information Technology (OIT) to ensure that the LRC systems are functioning properly.

Use of Computer Resources

  1. The LRC allows computer access to all library patrons, regardless of TSTC-affiliation. Database usage is restricted to TSTC students and employees.

  2. Viewing of explicit, lewd, offensive, or pornographic material is prohibited on LRC computers.

  3. Lab computers will automatically shut down at closing as established by Deep Freeze.

  4. LRC staff will assist with computer hardware and software issues, answer specific questions or help with research. However, staff may only offer limited assistance with homework and assignment questions.

  5. Please refer to individual LRCs for campus-specific computer usage rules and regulations.

TSTC specifically prohibits using equipment or online access provided by TSTC for any civilly unlawful or criminally illegal purpose, whether in the course of business or otherwise, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Unauthorized access, use or misuse of college computing resources, systems or data. 

  2. Disrupting college computer operations or the availability of computing resources. 

  3. Using another individual’s identification, password or other credential. 

  4. Unauthorized use or sharing of copyrighted materials through electronic means. 

  5. Initiating or contributing to attacks against external networks or college systems. 

  6. Use of college computers to access lewd, offensive or pornographic material. 

  7. Transporting copies of college programs, records or data to another person or computer without written authorization. 

  8. Using the College’s computer resources for personal gain.

Accessing, posting, or sharing any racist, sexist, threatening, obscene, illegal, or otherwise objectionable language, graphics, materials or content is strictly prohibited. 

Student Personal Laptops or Devices

The LRC will assist students with downloading drivers or programs or accessing the wireless connection on their personal devices. The LRC is not responsible for damage or loss of information due to viruses or other problems. Students requesting other help with their electronic devices are asked to contact the TSTC Helpdesk at ext. 13375. LRC staff may offer students access to the phone in these cases.


Computer Use Violations

General Violation Procedure

1st offense: 

  • Obtain student's TSTC ID. Copy or scan it along with a copy of the System Operating Standard GS 5.2 excerpts. Highlight specific passages as appropriate. 

  • Have student write "I have read and understood these standards and I will abide by them." 

  • Student will sign and date document. 

  • Advise students that all computer activity is monitored.

  •  A notation will be placed in student's profile. 

  • Send copy of document will be sent to Vice President of Students for review. 

  • Students found violating library policies while using laptops will be advised to use only desktops while in the library until the end of the semester. 

Repeat offender: 

An individual's computer use privileges may be suspended immediately and the student sent to the Vice President for Students for disciplinary review. In such a review, the full range of disciplinary sanctions is available including the loss of computer use privileges, dismissal from the college, and legal action. 

Violations of some of the policies may constitute a criminal offense. All authorized users of TSTC resources are advised to report any suspected, accidental, or intentional breach of this policy to their respective Departmental Supervisor, Dean, or Vice President. Suspected violations will be confidentially reported to the appropriate system administrator. 

It is important to know that it is against state and college policy to facilitate the use of obscene or lewd materials as well as use of computerized games. In accordance with its mission, the LRC will not actively censor materials but will respond to individual situations as needed and according to policy. 

Viewing Lewd, Offensive or Pornographic Material and other illicit activity

The LRC computer labs monitor content being viewed on computer workstations. 

The Texas State Technical College student handbook specifically states student violations include, but are not limited to “acts affecting computing resource or technology:  the use of college computers to access lewd, offensive or pornographic material.”

LRC staff will do the following when discovering illicit activity: ask library user to cease viewing pornography, file a Maxient report, or contact campus police if necessary.  The LRC Staff must contact security/campus police if someone is viewing child pornography.  All computer violations and incidents should be reported on the Maxient Student Behavior form located on the portal, portal.tstc.edu.

Violators will lose library privileges for the remainder of the semester or longer, depending on the severity of the incident. Loss of Library privileges is an independent action from disciplinary action pursuant to College policy. The Discipline Officer may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student for violations of the Code.

Websites and Other Online Applications

To further serve TSTC, the LRC has a responsibility to grow and maintain the LRC Portal Page, Online Catalog, LibGuides, and other related online applications.

  • LRC Portal Page contains information on the LRC and its services, as well as links to the Online Catalog, LRC Databases, LibGuides, and the BookShare request form.

  • Online Catalog provides virtual access to items owned by the TSTC LRCs that displays information on items and indicates where copies are located.  

  • LibGuides is web-based application used to create content rich, interactive multimedia guides for TSTC programs, courses, and LRC resources.  

TSTC students, faculty, and staff may use these online resources and applications to request materials online, gain access to databases and electronic resources, and make use of other LRC services that enhance research and education.


Requests for brief information may be submitted to LRC staff via online chat or email.  These services are intended for the students, faculty, and staff of Texas State Technical College.  Others will be assisted if the question concerns TSTC LRC related resources or collections.

Types of appropriate questions include, but are not limited to:

  • The availability and locations of materials in the TSTC LRCs.

  • Inquiries about services of the TSTC LRCs.

  • Verifications of bibliographic citations.

  • Assistance with the use of the online catalog or the online databases.

The questions are answered by LRC staff.  If a question is best answered by another TSTC department, the question will be forwarded to appropriate staff.

In depth questions may be submitted to librarians in person or via email.  Email replies are normally sent within 48 hours, excluding holidays. 

Instructional Services

LRC instruction provides library orientation and instruction to enable students to effectively utilize its resources and services.  This is accomplished through group face to face sessions, individual research appointments, self-guided tutorials, and embedded librarianship.  Group face to face sessions cover specific topics (e.g. database usage, course-related assignment preparation) or a general overview of the LRC’s materials, spaces, and services.  These sessions may include printed instructional materials such as guides or handouts to aid users in accessing LRC resources and services.  Individual research appointments are used to guide students and faculty through a specific assignment or research query.  Self-guided tutorials are web-based, self-paced tutorials that are designed for first year students.  Embedded librarianship is a partnership between faculty members and a designated librarian that supports online or hybrid classes within Moodle.  

These sessions are evaluated and under continual improvement as changes to resources and services as well as TSTC programs occur.  Effective bibliographic and information literacy instruction reflects TSTC’s primary purpose of creating career ready students who become effective members within the TSTC workforce.

LRC Promotion

The LRC promotes materials, spaces, services, and initiatives through marketing promotions and outreach at campus events.  Promotion allows the LRC to attain its goals in supporting students, faculty, and staff through continued growth.  Marketing items are included within the LRC’s budget and created using the appropriate medium, including but not limited to posters, postcards, contests, digital signage, flyers, and emails. Promotional materials are key to the LRC’s strategic priorities and may be used to enhance student learning, acquire feedback through surveys, or otherwise inform the TSTC community to LRC information and resources.    

Study Room Policy

Applicable to LRCs with private study space.

  • No food or drinks unless in specified areas.  Drinks should be kept in spill-proof containers only.

  • No sleeping, smoking, or loud volume in study rooms

  • LRC is not responsible for belongings left unattended in study rooms

  • Study rooms must be checked out.  

  • The person who checks out room will be held responsible for the state of the room  including but not limited to: any damage, missing LRC property, noise levels, etc, which occur during use.

  • Once checked out, study rooms cannot be left unoccupied for more than 15 minutes.  If a room is unoccupied for more than 15 minutes, it may be checked out to another patron.