1. Introduction
a. Thesis Statement
i.Point 1
ii. Point 2
iii. Point 3
iv. Etc.
2. Point 1
a. Summary of Point
i. Supporting Details 1
ii. Supporting Details 2
iii. Etc.
3. Point 2
a. Summary of Point
i. Supporting Details 1
ii. Supporting Details 2
iii. Etc.
4. Point 3...4...5...etc.
a. Summary of Point
i. Supporting Details 1
ii. Supporting Details 2
iii. Etc.
5. Conclusion
a. Restate Thesis
b. Summarize your findings
1. Introduction
A. Thesis Statement
i. When comparing the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Hobbit Trilogy, it is clear that preparation time, budget, special effects, and a well-spaced release schedule can have a tremendous effect on film quality.
2. Preparation Time
a. Years vs. Months
b. Surprise Director
3. Budget
a. Success vs Profit ratio
b. Average cost of big budget movies
4. Release Schedule
a. Years vs. Months part II
b. Extended fight scene to plan next movie
5. Practical Effects/CGI
a. Ian McKellen Breakdown
b. Thorin's Gold-Melting Dream
6. Conclusion
a. Restate Thesis
b. Summarize how you proved your argument