Born on this day in 1770, William Wordsworth was an English poet who helped establish the Romanticism literary movement.
Learn more about him and what influenced his most famous poem, "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" here:
- Wordsworth's daffodils were not lonely – or even alone
- Departing Summer Hath Assumed by William Wordsworth
- I heard a thousand blended notes by William Wordsworth
- William Wordsworth
- The Poems of William Wordsworth : Collected Reading Texts From the Cornell Wordsworth Series by William Wordsworth and Jared R. Curtis
- The Prelude and Other Poems by William Wordsworth
- William Wordsworth : 21st-Century Oxford Authors by Stephen Gill
- The Life of William Wordsworth : A Critical Biography by John Worthen
The Cambridge Introduction to William Wordsworth by Emma Mason