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This week's film: Last Call for the Bayou
Louisiana’s delta is a veritable bounty of rich estuarine life, supporting a robust commercial fishing industry, fertile oil fields, millions of migrating waterfowl, and at the heart of it all the mighty Mississippi -- a navigation channel that allows the passage of goods worldwide. It is not an overstatement to say that it is the cradle of the US economy and it is for this reason that the erosion of Louisiana’s wetlands is one of the greatest environmental threats the US faces today. Every hour a chunk the size of a football field is lost. Each year 25 square miles of land is gone forever, and without a mitigation strategy the marine economy, oil and gas, and even the citizens of New Orleans will be seeking refuge elsewhere in 30 years or so. This 5 part digital series chronicles the lives of individuals who are experiencing that loss in the deepest parts of the Bayou. Through them we learn that Louisiana is the canary in a coal mine for the coastal land loss that will happen worldwide. We discover how though sea level rise is one of the leading factors contributing to the issue, it is man-made, unforced errors like the structural engineering of the Mississippi River and oil and gas extraction that have made this location particularly vulnerable to coastal erosion. Through them we learn what the Bayou really is and what it means to the people who live there and we watch them wrestles with the survival of their home.