New Video Titles Added

17 new videos added this month to the Master Career & Tech Ed Package through Films on Demand. 

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Master Career and Tech Ed Package Database

Titles Added

  • Citrus Crisis
    • Oranges have long been synonymous with Florida, as a key element of the state’s economy. But this year, Florida projects the worst citrus harvest since the Great Depression, threatening a way of life for many. In this NewsHour program, William Brangham reports on what’s driving the decline and who is affected.
  • The Cost of Cotton
    • Is cotton really as pure as it seems? After claims of forced labour, pollution, and even slavery, we follow the production chain to find the truth.
  • The Day I Had to Grow Up
    • Edited by award-winner Krysia Carter-Giez, The Day I Had To Grow Up is a call to action. A documentary featuring six activists and the events that shaped their political lives. This documentary is about the future of youth activism in America.
  • The Difference
    • As soon-to-be-parents, we ask: what can we do to make a difference? In collaboration with the Holistic Life Foundation, we explore how we can provide all children with accessible, inherent tools so they live and thrive rather than struggle to survive.
  • Food Truck Chefs
    • The reality of owning a food truck is not as glorious as it may seem. The owners of three separate food trucks share their inspiring stories of standing up to the daily challenges of running a food truck.
  • Liyana
    • Liyana is a genre-defying documentary that tells the story of five children in the Kingdom of Eswatini who turn past trauma into an original tale about a girl named Liyana who embarks on a perilous quest to save her young twin brothers. The film weaves her animated journey together with poetic documentary scenes to create an inspiring story of perseverance and hope.
  • Made in Boise
    • Made in Boise offers a rare glimpse into the mysterious world of paid surrogacy by intimately following the lives of four surrogates, as they navigate the physical and emotional complications of carrying babies for someone else.
  • Osher Gunsberg: A Matter of Life or Death
    • The situation is nothing short of a national crisis. Yet the experts agree that there are ways we can be better dealing with the issues. The SBS documentary Osher Günsberg: A Matter of Life and Deathwill provide a comprehensive portrait of suicide in Australia today. Through the prism of Osher Günsberg’s own mental health experience, he’ll investigate why suicide rates remain high in Australia, and feature what is being done to mitigate the problem. The documentary will focus on solutions and what Australia and Australians can do to reduce the national suicide rate. In fact, the mission statement of this film is to go beyond the informative. Its charter is to be part of the solution and actually help stop suicide by offering hope and some practical answers.
  • Parkland: Inside Building 12
    • Acclaimed director Charlie Minn brings attention to the victims of the infamous massacre that occurred on February 14th, 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
  • Rick Stein's Secret France: Episode 1
    • Rick Stein embarks on a new journey through the byways of France, from the Channel to the Mediterranean, always on the look out for things where we, the British, could learn from the French to enhance our lives. Rick's journey begins in the Norman port of Dieppe with turbot straight off the boats, followed by a forage for sea herbs along the Bay of the Somme, inspiring him to cook a memorable seafood gratin. He then heads for southern Champagne, loved by Renoir, whose wife also happened to be a formidable cook.
  • Rick Stein's Secret France: Episode 2
    • Rick Stein's 'journey without maps' takes him through France's eastern border regions of Alsace and Jura home to his favourite French dish, choucroute garni and favourite French cheese, comté. He then begins to head inland into Burgundy for a memorable glass of auxey duresses wine and oeuf en meurette with a difference. Following a memorable Sunday lunch near the Swiss border he is inspired to recreate a traditional blueberry tart.
  • Rick Stein's Secret France: Episode 3
    • Rick Stein reaches the mid-point of his meander through France as he continues exploring Burgundy and practises a little entente cordiale with a chateau owner who cooks him sorrel soup straight out of the garden. He then arrives in the Auvergne, famous for hearty dishes celebrating the finest salers beef and Cantal cheese. No one goes on a diet here! In his Provencal country kitchen, Rick cooks Cantal bourriols, buckwheat pancakes with farmhouse egg and cep mushrooms.
  • Rick Stein's Secret France: Episode 4
    • Rick Stein arrives in the region of Perigord, famous for black truffles, walnuts and decadent dishes cooked with duck. He discovers his favourite market in the whole of France in the city of Perigueux and learns about the region's historical relationship with England as the former kingdom of Aquitaine. Inspired by his visit, Rick cooks enchaud, a traditional pot-roast pork from the area, before heading towards the balmy shores of the Mediterranean and the Cote Catalan near the Spanish border.
  • Rick Stein's Secret France: Episode 5
    • Rick Stein's journey of discovery brings him to the sunnier climes of the Mediterranean, where he explores the French-Catalan legacy of Roussilon on the foothills of the Pyrenees next to the Spanish border. This is the land that celebrates the best of mountain cuisine with its grilled sausages and snails together with the finest fish straight out of the region's famous self-contained sea lakes. What unites them is the local love for aioli, the pungent garlic mayo cherished in southern France. In his country kitchen, Rick cooks a hearty dish of pork and beef meatballs in a tomato and pimento sauce.
  • Rick Stein's Secret France: Episode 6
    • Rick Stein approaches the end of his meander through France with a final glance at the culinary delights of the Languedoc before crossing over to Provence and the Mediterranean coastline that continues to reveal new insights into southern French cuisine. In the border town of Uzes, Rick rediscovers his love for salt cod and marvels at the colourful array of French patisserie as he enjoys a seasonal fig tart with his morning coffee. He then heads towards the harbour town of Cassis, not for seafood, but for North African lamb chorba cooked by a local fisherman. In his Provencal kitchen, Rick makes a confit tomato and aubergine tart tatin.
  • Vintage
    • Vintage is a feature-length documentary that tells a uniquely Kiwi story capturing the incredible highs and heartbreaking lows of making world-class wine in New Zealand.
  • Warsaw: A City Divided
    • In 1941, in German-occupied Warsaw, soon after the creation of the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto by the Nazis, a Polish amateur 8mm camera enthusiast shot a remarkable 10-minute film from both sides of the Ghetto walls.