With all of the information out there surrounding COVID-19, it can be difficult sorting through everything to find what you need. The TSTC LRCs have put together a guide with easy sections and links to find what you are looking for regarding this pandemic.


Government Websites

This section focuses on information and updates from the Center of Disease Control and any information regarding government assistance.

Public Health and Safety

For information on the virus itself, how it is transmitted, symptoms, and details on the importance of personal protection like masks.

Student Resources

Focused on issues impacting students, including links on how financial aid is being impacted, free resources available online, and tips for transitioning to online learning.

Faculty Resources

This section has links that might help TSTC faculty transitioning to online teaching.

About COVID-19

Research is ongoing and ever changing, and this section provides tools to find articles from scholarly, trusted sources on information about the coronavirus.

Laws and Legislation

Direct links to proposed laws and laws that have passed regarding COVID-19.